Find Your Golden Egg!
I made this course for YOU! Specifically, I made this course to empower women (yes, WOMEN) to start doing what they're passionate about and make MONEY doing it!
What is your Golden Egg? Your "Golden Egg" is your ability to fully engage in your passion in a way that maximizes your fulfillment, happiness, and financial independence.
How do you find your Golden Egg? This course walks through the principles and processes of how to find your Golden Egg. Just as a bird doesn’t know the exact contents of each of her eggs before they hatch, we each go through life cultivating a mountain of talents, experiences, and relationships without knowing exactly when or how they will serve us. Your Golden Egg is made up of the stuff you have already built and continue to build that are uniquely yours. It’s ALL THERE FOR THE FINDING! I know because I’ve found my Golden Egg and I’ve worked with countless women who have found theirs by applying these same principles and processes.
Now it’s your turn! Start now. Find your Golden Egg!
Copyright (c) Lizzyography. All rights reserved.